apiVersion:apps/v1 kind:Deployment metadata: labels: k8s-app:kubernetes-dashboard name:kubernetes-dashboard namespace:kube-system spec: replicas:1 revisionHistoryLimit:10 selector: matchLabels: k8s-app:kubernetes-dashboard template: metadata: labels: k8s-app:kubernetes-dashboard spec: containers: - name:kubernetes-dashboard image:k8s.gcr.io/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:v1.10.1 ports: - containerPort:8443 protocol:TCP args: ---auto-generate-certificates # Uncomment the following line to manually specify Kubernetes API server Host # If not specified, Dashboard will attempt to auto discover the API server and connect # to it. Uncomment only if the default does not work. # - --apiserver-host=http://my-address:port volumeMounts: - name:kubernetes-dashboard-certs mountPath:/certs # Create on-disk volume to store exec logs - mountPath:/tmp name:tmp-volume volumes: - name:kubernetes-dashboard-certs secret: secretName:kubernetes-dashboard-certs - name:tmp-volume emptyDir:{} serviceAccountName:kubernetes-dashboard # Comment the following tolerations if Dashboard must not be deployed on master
apiVersion:apps/v1 kind:Deployment metadata: labels: k8s-app:kubernetes-dashboard name:kubernetes-dashboard namespace:kube-system spec: replicas:1 revisionHistoryLimit:10 selector: matchLabels: k8s-app:kubernetes-dashboard template: metadata: labels: k8s-app:kubernetes-dashboard spec: containers: - name:kubernetes-dashboard image:k8s.gcr.io/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:v1.10.1 ports: - containerPort:9090 protocol:TCP # 关闭 TLS 认证 将端口设置为 9090 并且关闭自动生成的认证功能 # args: # - --auto-generate-certificates # Uncomment the following line to manually specify Kubernetes API server Host # If not specified, Dashboard will attempt to auto discover the API server and connect # to it. Uncomment only if the default does not work. # - --apiserver-host=http://my-address:port volumeMounts: - name:kubernetes-dashboard-certs mountPath:/certs # Create on-disk volume to store exec logs - mountPath:/tmp name:tmp-volume volumes: - name:kubernetes-dashboard-certs secret: secretName:kubernetes-dashboard-certs - name:tmp-volume emptyDir:{} serviceAccountName:kubernetes-dashboard # Comment the following tolerations if Dashboard must not be deployed on master